Saturday, April 24, 2010

Flying Monkeys Hoptical Illusion

Name: Hoptical Illusion Almost Pale Ale
Style: Pale ale
ABV: 5.0%
Serving: 355ml bottle
Brewery: Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery
Location: Barrie, ON, Canada
Weblink: Coming soon... apparently.

So... normal service resumes after my patriotic digression (stands, hums GSTQ, salutes smartly, suppresses belch) and it's back to Ontario we go. A fairly new offering from a fairly new brewery. The Flying Monkeys outfit was formerly known as the rather more sober Robert Simpson Brewery, only changing name a couple of years ago. They are pioneering a range of experimental and very tasty beers, this one being possibly their best know. So, let's hop to it.

Hoptical Illusion pours a beautiful golden amber colour, as you'd expect from the full name it is a bit darker than your average pale ale, almost into proper amber territory. The head is a fizzy amalgam of large bubbles, but this subsides fairly quickly to the default ale light slick of fine froth. The aroma of the beer is solidly hoppy, with the distinctive medicinal resinous floral citrus mix that you'd expect from something with a name like this. There is something else there as well, but I can't quite hold on to it. Every time I get close it slips away again... I'll let you know if I ever track it down. In the mouth the first hit you get is of a refreshing lemonyness with a side order of gentle malty toffee. Then through come the flowers, and that resinous scent as well. A hint of black pine in the sun, with cool mountain air blowing through the boughs. Finally, as the beer slips past your tonsils, the hop notes slide sideways into a malty, yeasty rush that diffuses up into your nose.

Somewhere soon on here (I hope) you'll get a review of Beau's new I.P.Eh? beer. That one is a hop monster, and I think the name of this beer might lull people into thinking you'd be in for more of the same. However, that's all part of the illusion. If all you could do was smell the beer then you might be expecting a mouth puckering IPA, but what you end up with is a very nicely balanced, drinkable ale. Well done Monkeys, I hope they are paying you enough peanuts.

1 comment:

  1. I just tasted this beer here in Sweden and I´m in love with it.
    and that something else, you mention, I taste that too, smelled it just before the fist sip. it´s like the wind that blows in from the icy sea.
